Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Consistency....ummm okay.

So you hit the gym 3 - 5 times a week, every week but you're not seeing the results.  Maybe you've been watching you diet, or assume to be making healthy options.  Why is it that you're not seeing improvements, or have reached a plateau?  Showing up, simply put, is NOT ENOUGH!  Let's go back to June 11th, 1997.  The Chicago Bulls were playing the Utah Jazz in a pivotal game 5.  The teams were tied 2 - 2 in a best of 7 game series.  Michael Jordan came into the game barely able to hold himself up due to the flu, he also understood the importance of the task at hand.  MJ went on to score 38 points, grab 7 rebounds, dish out 5 assists, steal 3 men's lunches, and block 1 shot.  His stat line and the feat, were both incredible.  But that's not what I'm getting at.  His level of effort in that game was through the roof.  He pushed his body well beyond it's point of comfort, and was able to achieve a positive end result.  Had he simply "shown up" for the game, Chicago would have lost game 5, and possibly the series.  Your mindset when training should be the same!  You need to hit each day with as much intensity while you're there as possible.  You must have it in your mind before you arrive, "I AM GOING TO  KILL THIS ROUTINE TODAY!"  I know you've heard it before: "If you fail to plan, than plan to fail": this quote can't resonate loud enough if you want to see improvements.  Plan out your workout ahead of schedule if you don't have a trainer already doing that for you.  Make sure there are progressions, make sure your routine is pushing your body to it's end.  If you have done the same routine week in, and week out, and there hasn't been any progression.  It's probably time to change it up.  CHALLENGE YOURSELF.  Use challenging weight, push yourself to the rep that fails. Leave the gym sweaty, and nasty, only then will you begin to achieve your goals! #Train to Live

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